We’d like to take a moment to thank all of our sponsors and supporters of our inaugural WordCamp in Birmingham:


Big Communications

Birmingham Color Graphics

Bright House Networks


Internet Professionals Society of Alabama

Java and Jams

Luckie & Co.


The Bottletree

The Terminal

Urban Standard

Virginia Samford Theatre at Caldwell Park

Vulcan Park & Museum

WordCamp Birmingham is still seeking sponsors for this year’s event.

FYIit doesn’t have to be financial support (e.g., links to the site, schwag, t-shirts, door prizes, etc.).

Sponsors will receive the following perks:

Their logos displayed:

If you’d be interested in providing support, please contact Andre Natta at acnatta@gmail.com.

We can answer specific questions about these opportunities when you contact us.

Birmingham is over. Check out the next edition!