Official Press Release for 2014

For anyone that’s interested or in the Media, below is the press release with information about WordCamp this year. We’re willing to give out press passes to any outlet that is willing to do a write up for us and help spread the word.

Official Press Release Document


WordCamp Comes to Birmingham

On August 16th, at the Harbert Center in Birmingham Alabama, the WordPress community will be gathering at WordCamp Birmingham to promote publishing content on the web and building websites. This year WordCamp Birmingham is focusing specifically on helping beginners set up their own website and giving them tools to make it successful.

There will be three tracks of speakers covering topics as advanced as developing and designing themes and plugins for WordPress to covering the basics of SEO and driving traffic to your site. Specific speakers this year include Birmingham’s own, Wade Kwon, Brian Krogsgard, Carrie Rollwagen, and Sara Cannon as well as speakers from out of town and even from out of the country.

A Fourth Track will contain workshops specifically geared to giving you hands on experience and tools you need to accomplish your goals. The three workshops offered this year are the Beginner Workshop, the SEO Workshop, and the Freelancer Workshop. Each workshop is capped at 30 people. If you’re interested in any you can reserve your spot on WordCamp Birmingham’s Website at

The Keynote will be given by Jake Goldman from 10up, a company that creates websites for clients using WordPress. Jake will talk about the principles behind WordPress and what makes it the best publishing platform for the web today.

A Ticket costs $20, down from $40 last year. Lunch, snacks and drinks throughout the day, a shirt, and the official afterparty at Rojo on Highland Ave are all included in the price of a ticket. When all is said and done, WordCamp Birmingham is spending over $80 for each person that attends the camp. That’s not to mention the invaluable talks and workshops that you will attend.

For More information and to buy tickets go online at WP Y’all!

About WordCamp Birmingham: The South’s oldest WordCamp, Birmingham has hosted a WordCamp 5 times in the last 6 years. Every year has been bigger and better, culminating in this year being the biggest to date. This year the camp has booked the entire Harbert Center for all four tracks and the main keynote. Lunch will be provided by a combination of El Barrio, Pita Loco, Zoe’s Kitchen, Urban Standard, and Roly Poly.