Andrew Podner to Speak on Finding Your Content at WordCamp Birmingham

Andrew Podner will help you find the content that will engage and inform your readers.

Andrew Podner to Speak at WordCamp Birmingham


They Ask, You Answer, They Trust

Finding the time and desire to blog can be tough, so we’ll be talking about blogging and how it can help your business.

Why This Topic?

I am passionate about helping people and companies, and I have seen a disturbing trend of substandard content being pushed all over the web. Content marketing, to me, is not a buzzword. Rather, it is a meaningful endeavor that when done well, allows you to connect with people in a tangible way.

What Will You Take Away?

An understanding of what good content is, and what people who consume content expect from a website.

Top Advice for Attending WordCamp Birmingham

Do it! Jump in and let your voice be heard.

WordCamp Birmingham 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!