Mickey Mellen Takes the Stage to Share Blogging Strategies

Mickey Mellen wants to help you get the “more money” mojo going with your business and website.

Mickey Mellen for WordCamp Birmingham


Blogging strategies for 2018

Finding the time and desire to blog can be tough, so we’ll be talking about blogging and how it can help your business.

Why This Topic?

I’ve learned a lot from other sessions at WordCamp over the years, and this is an area where I see a lot of people struggle.

What Will You Take Away?

The desire to get their blog rolling

Top Advice for Attending WordCamp Birmingham

The WordPress community is absolutely amazing, in that everyone is willing to share every secret they have so that the entire group can grow. Find a local Meetup and stay plugged in throughout the year.

Learn More

Website: Green Mellen Media

WordCamp Birmingham 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!