“Q: What could be confusing about your website?
A: You’ll know when you test it.
Successful businesses budget thousands of dollars to improve and maintain the usability of their websites, but you can get the main benefit of that for free today. “”Easy to use”” is a key reason people choose your product, recommend it to friends, and come back. Websites that are easier to use generate more revenue, period.
This session will give you a fresh pair of eyes, or rather, three fresh pairs of eyes as you test your own website on three first-time users.
First, you’ll learn how to design and test for usability:
Can you make something so intuitive that it feels easy to a first time user?
Second, you’ll put it into practice by testing your website on other workshop participants, watching to see what confuses them.
Finally, we come back together and discuss how to fix any problems you found.
This session is for Usability beginners, but even UX professionals will benefit from the pool of free test users. A good time will be had by all.”
If you can define a goal for your website (i.e. make money, generate contacts, sell ads, inform visitors, represent your non-profit etc.) then you can probably increase your site’s effectiveness before this session is over.