Sponsorship and community

Bluehost Wants to Create a Better Hosting Experience

Building an online presence requires having the right foundation. Bluehost wants to help you get online, but it also wants to create a better, safer web for everyone in the process. Bluehost provides solutions to meet your needs from the novice user to the pro.

WordCamp Birmingham 2018 welcomes Bluehost – as a Gold Sponsor for #WPYall on August 4th and 5th at the Pelham Civic Center, Alabama.


Bluehost was founded in 2003 with one goal in mind: to create a better hosting company. Our founders aimed to deliver comprehensive web solutions by crafting a custom platform that paired advanced features with a simple, no-nonsense experience. Since then, Bluehost’s dedication to quality has earned the respect of customers and partners all over the world.

We believe in WordPress and our partnership has allowed us to support it for over 10 years. Our in-house team consists of dedicated WordPress experts to provide the best support whenever you need answers. We even dedicate engineers on our development staff to full-time WordPress CORE development. No one powers WordPress better or understands it more than we do.

Thanks to Bluehost for supporting WordCamp Birmingham 2018.