Tag Archives: sponsorship

Sponsorship and community

The Power of Sponsoring WordCamp – Tips from Around the Globe

Header image captured by Wanda Raina Evans of RAW Images Photography
Wall Art

No matter what you are doing or where you are heading, it all comes back around to relationships. From the beginning, marketing, sales, and businesses have been founded in the understanding that we need to be invested in creating lasting connections with people.

Although the technology has changed over the years, the basic understandings have remained solid. When you team up with WordCamp Birmingham through sponsorship of the conference, you create an opportunity for growing up the lasting connections that lead to a stronger community, a better business, and a broader future.

What Others Say about Sponsorship

WordCamp Philly
WordPress Community
We’re a large group, diverse in every way.
WordPress users here include:

  • Freelancers
  • Web development companies
  • Advertising and marketing firms
  • News outlets and bloggers
  • Small-business owners
  • Universities and schools
  • Government and non-profits

WordCamp Birmingham is the perfect opportunity to introduce your services and products to as many as 200 people interested in businesses that can meet their needs.

WordCamp Halifax:
It’s an affordable marketing tactic
As a non-profit event, we understand the need to make every dollar count. Especially for smaller businesses. By being present at the event itself, you’ll be able to qualify leads more easily.

WordCamp Birmingham seeks to build engagement between WordPress users, developers, and business to strengthen the community of Birmingham as well as create a foundation for growing up the WordPress community as a whole.

Get Noticed
By becoming a sponsor, your company’s name is on the top of everyone’s mind before, during and after the conference.

  1. In the weeks leading up to the event your business will be featured on the WordCamp website, blog posts and on social media. (Ask your SEO pro about the benefits of these mentions. You might be surprised.)
  2. Gold sponsor tables will be prominent and visible by all attendees.
  3. And lastly, you’ll have a chance to be remembered far into the future with your company’s branded product included in the swag bags that everyone loves to take back to the office.

WordCamp Birmingham wants to connect with your business or organization and also share your uniquenesses with attendees, readers, and other WordCamp communities.

Still not convinced?

Free Logo Services Business Blog has 10 more reasons your business needs to be involved in local conferences and events. Here is just one.
Community Goodwill
Strengthening your business image is one of the most valuable benefits of event sponsorship. Customers love brands that care about spreading positive messages and helping the community. Linking your business to a worthy cause can draw lasting support and media attention.

Community involvement also sets you apart from larger brands. People have more incentive to support your business if you’re invested in the local community. Find out what matters to customers, and pick causes that align with their values to boost loyalty.

WordCamp Birmingham is one of the oldest WordCamps in the Southern United States. Each year we work to reach out to more in the community and to do more for the community. Your involvement helps make that a reality.

Invest with WordCamp Birmingham 2018 – invest IN the WordPress and Birmingham Communities – and begin creating the lasting connections with people that will lead you down the path to your desired goals.

Who Wants to Sponsor WordCamp Bham? You Do!

In case you’re looking for a good home for some of your charitable donations, WordCamp Birmingham is looking for sponsors. Putting on a WordCamp is a huge undertaking, and we couldn’t do it without the support of our community sponsors.

We have some amazing tiers that you can choose between if you’re interested in sponsorship. You can do as much or as little as you want, too.

WPYALL has had some truly fantastic sponsors in the past, and that’s not even just talking about their monetary generosity. Some of the most fun at a Camp can come from Campers interacting with sponsors at their tables, hanging out between sessions, and joking around and making real connections at the after-party and speaker/sponsor dinner party.

Heck, we watched an Alabama football game together last year, and that was only possible because a local sponsor brought a projector and hooked it up for everyone. Now that is understanding and caring about your community.

WPYall sponsor table

You’re able to get your company or brand in front of a massive audience by sponsoring WCBham, and we are dedicated to making sure that you get as much out of your contribution as possible.

So please, check out our call for sponsors, see our cool tiers and the neat stuff you get for being a part of WordCamp Birmingham, and if you’re interested, feel free to give us a holler. We are more than happy to answer any and all questions you may have, and we want to work with you if you want to sponsor in any way that’s not listed on any of our pages.

Thanks a bunch, and we can’t wait to see what kind of trouble we can get into with you at #wpyall this year. 🙂