WordCamp Birmingham is only a handful of weeks out, and this year’s talks are the best we’ve had yet. Here’s a preview of what’s in store for Sunday morning.

“Kids and Code”

By Sandy Edwards

Sandy is the owner of Data Driven Labs; she is also a WordPress developer and an educator. She loves helping kids find their passion with technology. Can be found at @sunsanddesign and at her website.

Her presentation, “Kids and Code,” explores how parents and mentors can help get kids involved in their community, namely by teaching them coding languages like HTML and CSS. In a lot of cases, children are more tech savvy than adults. We should learn to harness that willingness to think creatively and give them the tools they need to properly express themselves.

Attendees will learn how to get their children involved in code and general tech.

Click here to visit Sandy’s website.

“WordPress Security: Beyond The Plugin”

By S. Clements

Stacy Clements is the owner of Milepost 42, a technology partner for small business owners who want to work on their business, not the “techie stuff” needed to support it.

Before starting her business, Stacy spent twenty-three years in the United States Air Force, working in communications, cyber operations, and project management. Dubbed “a fixer, a problem solver, and a pitbull,” she now focuses on fixing WordPress sites, solving technical problems for small business owners, and relentlessly promoting cybersecurity practices.

Just about every day in some WordPress forum, someone asks, “What’s the best plugin to secure my site?” While WordPress does seem to have a plugin for everything, security is not quite as “plug and play.” This talk will explain why and introduce a security framework that can help you be more secure.

Stacy’s talk will teach attendees the necessity of good security posture; it will show them that security is not as overwhelming as it seems.

Click here to visit Stacy’s website.

“Drip, Drip, Drip to Convert Website Leads to Sales”

By Hall

It is no surprise that Amy Hall is often called the ‘MacGyver’ of MailChimp. For the last decade, she has helped countless small business owners lessen their loads through proper email management. Not only is she a certified MailChimp Partner & Expert, but she builds WordPress websites, manages content marketing for small businesses, and provides hands-on MailChimp training.

You have a WordPress product or service to offer and you have a signup form. But now what? Collecting email addresses is great for vanity metrics, but those addresses should be a tentpole of your sales cycle.

In this talk, Amy Hall will help you define your sales cycle and drip campaign and advise you on nurturing your subscribers. Sales is the goal of any good nurture campaign and, when done right, can help your website visitors become customers.

Attendees will learn how to do the following:

  1. Define their sales cycle
  2. Learn what a drip campaign is
  3. Learn how to nurture their subscribers

Click here to visit Amy’s website.

“Fearless Speed: Low-Tech Tips & Tactics for Preventing (or Fixing) A Slow Website”

By Teresa Rosche Ott

Teresa is an experienced website consultant who’s built websites since the 90s. She’s worked with WordPress since 2010.

Her company, A Fearless Venture, designs, builds, optimizes, and maintains WordPress websites for entrepreneurs, bloggers, and other tiny businesses.

In the spring of 2018, Teresa and her husband/business partner Brian sold their Atlanta home to become digital nomads. They currently live, work and travel the U.S. in a Class A motorhome.

A lot of site owners stress about website speed. What almost no one talks about is what the average person can do to help their WordPress site load more quickly — without completely nerding out.

In her presentation, Teresa will skip the fear mongering, tone the geek-speak way down, and go straight to actionable tips and tactics anyone can use to improve their WordPress site’s speed.

Participants will learn the following:

  1. Understand on a high level what makes their site slower.
  2. Understand on a high level what can make their site faster.
  3. Know the first things they should try for quicker/simpler wins.

Click here to visit Teresa’s website.

Still need WP Y’all tickets?Get yours now before they run out!
We look forward to seeing you this year!

WordCamp Birmingham 2019 is over. Check out the next edition!