How to Get Paid for Every Little Thing You Do

Oftentimes, website providers think they are “adding value” by giving away some of their work or time. Typically this means 1) not getting paid for discovery activities and/or 2) not getting paid for scope changes.

Regardless, giving away work ALWAYS sets the incorrect expectation with the client, and ends up eating away at the project profit margin. The answer?

Use a paid discovery process that delays finalizing the estimate until AFTER a deep dive discovery is complete.

Establish and implement a “set-in-stone” change procedure that uses a change budget.

In this session we will cover:

  1. How to use a 2-step proposal process to ensure you get paid for ALL discovery activities without fear of the client going elsewhere.
  2. How to establish and implement a solid change control process that helps set proper client expectations, minimizes frivolous change requests, and allows you to always (yes, ALWAYS) come in on time and under budget. (It works like magic!)

Key Takeaways

  • How implementing processes and sticking to them can help retain the project profit margin.
  • Handout/download – Elements of a Good Change Control Procedure
