WordPress and Consent Management Platforms

Consent management platforms (CMP) are used by companies to legally document and manage a user’s consent choices prior to collecting, sharing, or selling user data from online sources such as websites and apps that use cookies, embedded videos, and other tracking technologies.

This of course applies to WordPress websites. Privacy laws are becoming more and more dominant in our digital laws, and thus, we must know what information is being stored by both our theme and of course, plugins that we install. But how do weknow which CMP to choose? How does it handle the deletion of cookies? Any free choices? How much can they cover when it comes to my own plugins? Or third party plugins/themes?

In this talk we will go over the basics, as to what our options are, how can we categorize cookies and local storage data, and all the technical details we need to know in order to choose a CMP wisely with our WordPress website.

Key Takeaways

To know what a CMP is, how can we use one with WordPress and what scenarios you might encounter when it comes to handling cookies and local storage.
