Become a Part of the WordCamp Experience by Volunteering

You want to volunteer with WordCamp Birmingham. No…you NEED to volunteer with WordCamp. The WordPress community has always been one of helping and sharing, but the WordCamp experience takes that to a whole new level.

No matter what your business, your niche, or your area of expertise, there are two things that must have your focus when it comes to marketing and growing success:

1. Creating lasting connections with people.

2. Focusing on being relentlessly helpful.

When you volunteer, you will have the opportunity to meet some of the top WordPress people in the community, engage with business leaders, and connect with content creators and developers.

When you volunteer, you step forward to be the one sharing and giving. You become the helper–even as you are learning and being helped along the way.

Are you ready to learn more?

Yeah, you are!

Click the Volunteer link at the top of the page or follow the link HERE to be a part of the WordCamp experience. You know you want to. So what are you waiting for?

WordCamp Birmingham 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!