How to Turn WordCamp into Social Media Engagement and Business Growth

Attending WordCamp Birmingham is only the beginning of the experience. It is what you do when you go home – with the information and connections you’ve encountered – that will make the most difference in what you are doing and where you are going.

Aida Correa joins WordCamp Birmingham 2018 with a session focused on how to take all that you get at WordCamp and step by step leads you from the weekend experience to real-life applications.

WordCamp to Real World

“As a relative “newbie” to the WordCamp experience, I found it exciting and overwhelming all at once. I wanted to share some of the strategies that have helped me to organize and apply the information I’ve gathered.”

It doesn’t matter where you are in your WordPress journey. You can benefit from WordCamp and you can take your WordCamp experience an put it to practical use.

Sometimes you have to make the decision to move from full-time work to freelance work. Sometimes you want to make that move. No matter what your motives driving the decision, you want to think about a few things first.

Kerry Putman joins the WordCamp Birmingham speaker team with the session, Full-Time to Freelance: Practical and Self-Care Advice for When the 9-To-5 Has to Stop

Putman uses her own experiences to offer practical advice and self-care tips for dealing with the transformation from full-time employee to freelance.

“I hope you get some practical advice to help smooth the transition and also tips on taking care through the process.” Putman wants to help you avoid the pitfalls that can occur when you move from traditional employment to the world of freelance work.

When it comes to attending WordCamp, Putman has some advice as well. “I continue to find great people to know and to get advice from when I attend WordCamps. Break out of your shell and talk to the people next to you.”

Want to see the full schedule for WordCamp Birmingham 2018?

Freelancing offers as many opportunities as there are people or events to make the most of the freelancer.

Marc Gratch shares his journey with freelancing and self-employment in the session, Tips to Being an Awesome Freelancer (And Not Failing… Too Hard)

“Working for yourself is hard! Knowing the right answer is fleeting.” Gratch is inviting you to learn from his mistakes. “I hope people will learn to avoid repeating the mistakes many make when starting out. More than anything, I want them to find solace in knowing they aren’t alone making the mistakes.”

Gratch will also be sharing in the session: Using the Command Line: Bash and WP-CLI

When it comes to WordCamp, Gratch says, “Becoming a part of the WordPress community can have incalcuable impact on your career.”