Tag Archives: wordpress 101

WP 101: 4 Things Every WordPress Beginner Gets Wrong

By Jacob Crawford

Sometimes you don’t know what you don’t know – but what you don’t know could be hurting your website or your engagement. Basic WordPress points will be covered in the WordPress 101 Workshop. For now, here are a few points to help you make the most of your WordPress site.

Overloading your site with too many plugins

Studies show that users spend fewer than three seconds waiting for web pages to load. And while it’s tempting to load your site with forms, trackers, extra styles, and integrations, each of those programs and sheets cost valuable load time.

Jetpack, WooCommerce, and Yoast are maybe the best plugins for a beginner. WooCommerce manages your e-business, Yoast checks your SEO, and Jetpack takes care of pretty much everything else from social media to comments.

Paying for premium services you don’t need (yet)

Grow organically with your site. While it’s easy to upscale, it’s difficult to downscale. There’s no need to drop money on an expensive theme when you don’t have the content or infrastructure to support it.

If you’re hosting through WordPress.com, seriously consider your goals and scope before investing in a Premium or Business plan. If you’re building a portfolio site, the Personal plan is probably best. If you’re a t-shirt company with a couple dozen employees, a Business plan is probably more your speed.

Picking a theme that doesn’t reflect your content

This seems self-evident, but you’d be surprised how many WordPress beginners choose themes based on previews. Instead, consider how the theme will highlight your content. If you’re a photoblogger, consider a theme with plenty of thumbnails and galleries. If you’re a writer, pick a theme that highlights your words.

Don’t waste your time trying to match your content to your theme: match your theme to your content.

Friends don’t let friends blog alone

WordPress is a community. And it’s full of people who love helping beginners. Get involved with local MeetUps and other events. It always helps to have a second set of eyes look over what you are doing.

At WordCamp Birmingham, we’re dedicated to helping people like you get started. Attend our WordPress 101 course, where we walk you through the basics one step at a time. Or stop by and see us at the Happiness Bar, where specialists and enthusiasts like you congregate help others get the most from their WordPress sites.

Interested in learning more? Snag your tickets to WordCamp Birmingham today!

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