Tag Archives: WordPress.tv

Kathry Lang giving her WordCamp Birmingham talk on the 4 W's of Blogging

WordCamp Highlights – Kathryn Lang and Jenny Munn’s 2017 #WPYALL Talks

The only bad thing about WordCamps (and conferences in general) is that there is no way to attend every talk and panel you want. Because the schedule is separated into multiple tracks — and because you can only be in one place at one time (unless you're Hermione, and you're sadly not) — you have to give up something during your time with us.

Never Fear, Loyal Camper!

Because of the magic of this thing called the internet, you can travel back in time to October 2017 and relive the exciting talks that were given at WordCamp Birmingham! All from the comfort of your office chair when you should be getting work done.

But this is professional development, so that's okay.

All WordCamp talks are archived on WordPress.tv, and WC Bham is no different. You can check out the whole archive and spend hours getting yourself pumped for this year's Camp. (BTW, have you bought your ticket yet?)

As we lead up to #wpyall 2018, we want to highlight some of the speakers from last year so you can get a feel for what to expect this year.

Jenny Munn's SEO Talk

SEO in 2017 requires a mix of foundational best practices, following trends and updates, understanding the nuances for your industry, and making continuous improvements. Come to this workshop prepared with your keyword list, WordPress, Google Analytics, and Google Search Console (if you have it) account information handy.

Munn's talk description

Kathryn Lang's Blogging Talk

Developing a successful website does not have to be complicated. Know who you are writing for, know what you want to focus on, know why you are writing what you write, and develop a calendar for when you will get the words done.

Lang's talk description

That Got Your Brain All Tingly?

Good! You can check out the whole archive of 2017's WordCamp Birmingham talks here, and because you're so excited about #wpyall 2018, you can go ahead and buy your tickets over this way.

Oh, One More Thing…

Oh, and by the way, we could really use your help. We always need volunteers to make the event a success, so if you or anyone you know want to lend a hand (and get a free shirt and free ticket in the process), sign up to be a volunteer! Heck, sign the whole family up! It'll be a hoot.