Get Handy with These Hands-On WordPress Workshops

Helping others has always been a cornerstone of our little WordCamp. Our workshops this year cover a variety of pain points – from SEO to Google Analytics to WooCommerce. Here’s a quick teaser.

SEO Workshop 

Led by Lindsay Halsey

Based in Basalt, Colorado, Lindsay Halsey is a co-founder of Pathfinder SEO and partner of webShine, a search engine marketing agency. Her primary interest is search engine optimization for WordPress websites. Lindsay enjoys teaching site owners and freelancers SEO processes that they can apply to their businesses.

In this workshop, participants will learn how investing just two hours into SEO can have a positive impact on their search engine results. 

We’ll start with the basics: the anatomy of a search engine results page and keyword research. Then, using the Yoast SEO plugin, we’ll dive into a process that can be utilized on any WordPress website to improve its SEO success. This workshop is for site owners taking a DIY approach to SEO and for freelancers and agencies who offer SEO as a service for their customers.

Click here to visit Lindsay’s website. 

GA Workshop 

Led by Chris Edwards

Chris is co-owner of Data Driven Labs, a WordPress maintenance and marketing agency. He is a 19-year digital marketing veteran with experience in web design and development, search engine optimization, online marketing, social media marketing and mobile development. He specializes in WordPress custom development utilizing either Genesis Framework or underscores and is very active in the WordPress Orlando community. Chris has held development and Internet marketing positions in some of Orlando’s top technology companies.

Google Analytics is a powerful tool; you should be taking advantage of it. In this workshop, attendees will learn how to better read and implement data in their workflows. Learn how to make more informed decisions based on keyword and demographic data. Learn which portions of your page get the most visibility and which cause users to bounce.  

Click here to visit Chris’s website. 

Woo Workshop 

Led by Bill Robbins

Bill’s journey with WordPress started when a friend challenged him to build them a nonprofit website. He was hooked. Shortly after, Bill started a commercial theme shop. A few years later, he received an unexpected offer to purchase his business, and he decided to move on. These days, Bill works at Automattic as a WooCommerce Happiness Engineer; he loves helping other entrepreneurs with their businesses.

This workshop will focus on setting up, running, and troubleshooting WordPress eCommerce sites. 

Together, we will set up a WooCommerce store. We’ll walk through adding products, setting up taxes, shipping and other important items to help you be successful with your store. By the end, you should feel much more confident running your store. Click here to visit Bill’s website.

Still need WP Y’all tickets? Get yours now before they run out!

We look forward to seeing you this year!

WordCamp Birmingham 2019 is over. Check out the next edition!