Jessi Gurr

Jessi Gurr

Jessi has been hand-coding websites since the day her dad brought home an AOL floppy disk in 1993. She started a website development company in 2005, and today runs a website development agency in Minnesota. A passionate entrepreneur, Jessi loves creating jobs, speaking about her experience growing a company, and mentoring freelancers and aspiring entrepreneurs.

Jessi lives in Anoka, MN. Her six-year-old designs her hair color(s). When not running a business or chasing her two young children, you can find her in the vegetable garden or whipping up an impromptu vegan dinner.


Published by Nathan Ingram

Nathan is the Host at iThemes Training where he teaches WordPress and freelance business development topics via live webinar. As the founder of >ADVANCE Coaching, Nathan works with WordPress solopreneurs and business owners individually and in groups to help them become more successful in their businesses. Nathan has been working with clients to build websites since 1995. He is based in Birmingham, Alabama where he has been an organizer for WordCamp Birmingham (WP Y'all) for several years.

WordCamp Birmingham 2019 is over. Check out the next edition!