Lindsay Halsey

Lindsay Halsey

Based in Basalt, Colorado, Lindsay Halsey is a co-founder of Pathfinder SEO and partner of webShine, a search engine marketing agency. Her primary interest is search engine optimization for WordPress websites.

Lindsay enjoys teaching site owners and freelancers SEO processes that they can apply to their businesses.


Published by Nathan Ingram

Nathan is the Host at iThemes Training where he teaches WordPress and freelance business development topics via live webinar. As the founder of >ADVANCE Coaching, Nathan works with WordPress solopreneurs and business owners individually and in groups to help them become more successful in their businesses. Nathan has been working with clients to build websites since 1995. He is based in Birmingham, Alabama where he has been an organizer for WordCamp Birmingham (WP Y'all) for several years.

WordCamp Birmingham 2019 is over. Check out the next edition!