Gutenberg: Let’s get visual!

First, I promise you I was never a disco fan. (You’re over 50 if you got that joke.)

But I gotta say. Gutenberg has changed everything, and I’m over the moon.

Standard layouts with grids of posts? Done in a couple of hours.

Wild and crazy layouts, with all kinds of things going every which way? Again, Gutenberg’s the star!

And not just in experimental for-designers’-eyes-only pages.

But home pages. Archive pages. Pages of posts. Single posts. Even WooCommerce shop pages!

So let’s get visual!


Published by marybaum

2022 Core representative and co-maintainer of a few components. Copy editor for the Core team (I may have tweaked that error message you saw yesterday!) WordCamp speaker, mostly on design and CSS. Direct marketer with a design degree in three things: 1. Don't make it symmetrical. 2. Do make it look intentional. 3. And if you can’t make it good, make it big. Self-taught developer, if you don’t count CSS-Tricks, Know the Code Pro and Wes Bos. Dabbler in online fabric and assorted other product design, and 3D. Tennis, landscape and macro photographer and near-daily tennis player. Grandmother.

WordCamp Birmingham 2019 is over. Check out the next edition!