Mary Baum

Mary Baum

Mary Baum is the founder and principal of RacquetPress, a digital consultant to the tennis industry. … Trained as a print designer before the web was born, Mary built her first site (wrong) in 1999 and started to learn real CSS and HTML in 2007 — at the tender age of 47.

Today she’s a big fan of design in the browser (after a few thumbnail sketches!) and all the modern CSS the browsers will support. She’s also started hanging out in the core developer chats and helping write the blog posts (and it’s giving her a swelled head.)

Also high on her list: rare steaks, homemade hot fudge sauce, high backhand volleys and high-contrast serif type; the Genesis Framework, Boeing fighter jets and repeating patterns in Illustrator; and finally, Atomic Blocks for Gutenberg and the ad court.


Published by Nathan Ingram

Nathan is the Host at iThemes Training where he teaches WordPress and freelance business development topics via live webinar. As the founder of >ADVANCE Coaching, Nathan works with WordPress solopreneurs and business owners individually and in groups to help them become more successful in their businesses. Nathan has been working with clients to build websites since 1995. He is based in Birmingham, Alabama where he has been an organizer for WordCamp Birmingham (WP Y'all) for several years.

WordCamp Birmingham 2019 is over. Check out the next edition!